Policy Work

Women’s Enterprise Policy Group Policy Work

Charter For Inclusive Entrepreneurship, 2022

Entrepreneurship is vital for innovation, job creation, and economic growth. It can also support social inclusion by offering individuals
opportunities to create employment for themselves and within their community while also contributing to social and environmental innovation and impact.

ERSA: Women, The Covid Recession and Shaping Future Employability Programmes, 2021

The Resolution Foundation estimates that over one-third of Britain’s five million self-employed people may have to stop working either because they work in sectors most heavily affected by social distancing, or in order to care for children who would have otherwise been at school.

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Lockdown 2021: Immediate Actions Needed

Based on the evidence from 2020 it is clear that the current lockdown, including school closures, will have significant and distinct consequences for different groups of women and men. This briefing summarises the immediate actions that the Government should take to avoid the negative impacts of the first lockdown in March 2020.

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Women’s Enterprise In Scotland and COVID-19: Policy Briefing 1, 2020

Women entrepreneurs are also underrepresented in the most productive, high-value sectors in Scotland and in the UK. As small businesses with limited resources, women-owned businesses are especially vulnerable to the disruption caused by the pandemic.

The Scottish Gvernment Logo
The Scottish Government – Women In Enterprise: Framework and Action Plan, 2017

Refreshed action framework to promote female entrepreneurs, focusing on mentoring, networking, role models, finance, and support.

This refreshed framework builds upon the success of what has come before. However, it acknowledges that there is still a great deal of work ahead of us all.

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Framework Actions To Build Back Better For Women’s Enterprise, 2020

Current evidence that indicates women face a catastrophic future with a tsunami of job losses and business closures.

Now is the time and the opportunity for Government and devolved administrations to recognise the needs of women business owners, their economic potential for job creation, innovation, and the rebuilding of the UK’s economy.

Women's Enterprise Scotland
Women’s Enterprise In Scotland and COVID-19: Policy Briefing 2, 2020

The economic, social and health impacts of Covid-19 will be gendered both in the labour market and in the home with the pandemic having a disproportionately negative impact on women both at home and at work.

Women are more likely to work and be business owners in the sectors most affected by this crisis.